

An aura is the energy  field around all matter that takes space (excluding air itself), whether that is a person, plant, animal, or an object.  Each color represents a different aspect of that matter.  When you come into contact with someone, your aura reacts to theirs. If your aura's frequency is close to theirs, you will feel close to them quickly and drawn to them. If not, you may feel an instant dislike or an unpleasant fealing  towards them.
We have been "trained" not to see them, but with a little practice many people can successfully see and read auras.  When you begin reading auras, you may have a hard time seeing the colors. A lot of times, beginners will see pale colors.  As time passes, and with practice, you will see that the colors seem to become brighter to you and easier to read.
The astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly coloured rainbow clouds. The astral aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.
The etheric template aura extends about twelve to twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a blue print form. There is an empty groove in the etheric aura aura into which the etheric aura fits. The etheric template aura holds the etheric aura in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension.
The celestial aura extends about twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a brightr shimmering light of pastel colours. This is the level of feelings within the world of our spirit. Here we communicate with all the beings of the spiritual world.
The ketheric template aura extends about thirty six to forty eight inches from the physical body and appears as an extremley bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating. This aura takes on the form of a golden egg that surrounds and protects everything within it.

Everybody has the ability to see the aura. For beginners a low light is the best way to start.
Turn out the lights and lay on the bed. Leave the window curtains open and let the natural light flow in. As you are laying on the bed hold your hands out at full distance in front of you. Dont stare hard but rather just gaze at your hands. Moving your hands slowly, bring your fingertips together until they are almiost touching. You will notice a cloudy blue haze appear around your finger. This is the etheric aura.
Draw a circle on your left hand using your right fingertip. Dont let your finger touch your hand, keep it at a distance of about a half inch. Move slowly. You will feel the power of your aura.
How to Read the Aura
First of all, find a place where you won't be around any harsh light; soft light is best to read auras. You will also need a piece of white paper large enough to place your whole hand on.
Place your hand on the cardboard and relax your eyes. Don't stare at your hand, rather look at the areas around the fingertips and fingers.
After a while, if you are relaxed enough, you will begin to see a soft haze around your hand. If you look at it long enough, you will start to see colors. Beginners can usually make out only one color, but as you get better you will be able to see more at one time.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see anything the first few times. It takes practice to become good at reading auras, and after a while you will realize that it's not really as hard as you might have first thought.
You may also wish to take nonliving objects, like rocks and such, and try to see their auras as well. This can be very good practice for you.
Colors of Auras
Red- The color of strength, strong passion, and will. Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper and is nervous or impulsive. All red relates to nervous tendancies.
Orange- Color of warmth, thoughtfulness, and creativity. The muddier shades may represent pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. A person with orange in their aura may suffer from kidney ailments.
Yellow-Mental activity, optimism. It can mean new learning oppurtunities and wisdom. A golden yellow means that the person takes care of hiom or herself. Ruddy yellow may mean that its owner is shy.
Green-Green is the color of sympathy and calm. A person who has green in his or her aura may be very good at the healing arts and is very reliable. Dark shades of green can indicate one who is jealous or uncertain.
Blue-The color of quiet and calm. Any blue in the aura is good to have, but deep blue is the best. One with deep blue in his or her aura shows a person who has found his or her work in life. Many are spiritual minded as well. Blue may sometimes represent a tendancy to be moody and depressed.
Indigo and Violet-The colors of one who is seeking something in life. They represent an ability to handle affairs with worldiness and practicality. Dark shades may show that the person has obstacles to overcome and is feeling misunderstood.
Black-The color of protection. May reflect a person who is hiding something. It may possibly indicate imbalances as well.
Here are some other colors that may be seen within the aura:
Pink-This is the color of love. It represents compassion, and possibly a love of art and beauty. Darker or muddier shades of pink may point to an individual who is immature.
White-Many times this is one of the first colors you will see in an aura. However, when it is a true and strong color of the aura, it reflects purity and truth.
Brown-This could reflect a person who is very "earthy" and that a person is establishing new roots. However, if it is seen in the chakras, it may mean that a person's energy is in some way being blocked.
Silver Lights or Twinkles-Seeing these in a person's aura may mean that they are pregant, or have been or may soon be. However, this is not always so. Seeing this may indicate a person who is allowing great creativity in their life.
Black Spots-The presence of black spots in the aura may indicate that it is imbalanced in some areas. This may mean that the person has some negative habits that he or she should work on. Meditation helps reduce these spots, as does things like exercise and sunlight.

Astral Projection: 
Types and Methods

There are many types of "projections" going by different names the ones I use are:

MENTAL PROJECTION- Where the practitioner projects just his Consciousness to some other place, beyond the physical body. It's similar to a day dream only much stronger. You see a mental picture, like watching a movie, but there are no senses per se, taste, feel, hearing, smell etc.

ASTRAL PROJECTION- This is where the Consciousness & the Astral body separate together from the physical body. The practitioner has use of all fives senses plus those used by the Astral body. You may have a sense of flying or floating. Vivid dreams are often natural AP during sleep. It's perfectly safe. Nothing can enter the physical body while on an Astral projection as only you have the exact key. At any sign of danger the Astral body is "reeled in" rather quickly.

ETHERIC PROJECTION- This is where the Consciousness, the Astral body & the etheric body separate together from the physical body. The physical body is reduced to a state of near catalepsy during the projection and must be protected from sudden shock or disturbance as there is a rare occurrence of physical death.

BILOCATION- This is where the Consciousness, the Astral body, the Etheric body & the Physical body are in TWO different places at the same time. This is only be used by advanced Magi and then rarely. It involves time & place distortion with a host of other things. Mental projection is by far the easiest. Just focus the consciousness anywhere the will directs.

Astral Projection requires a little more. There as many techniques & systems as there are people. Here are some guild lines & methods:


In a quiet place. Sit in a straight backed chair, up against a wall or on the floor with spine erect. Relax, get comfortable. Inhale & exhale slowly a couple of times. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!! Use 2/4 breath to start, that is; empty your lungs, easily, then inhale to a mental count of four, hold mental count of two, expel in a four count, pause for a two count, then inhale to a four count etc, etc. Picture an image in the mind's eye of a yourself in a ball of light about 3-5 feet away from you. Continue, slowly, rhythmically while focusing your attention on the image in the mind's eye see it clearly then shift your consciousness or point of awareness ...awareness of self, selfhood; the observing I etc. to the ball of light. Including the senses first touch, move your Astral feet & arms, then hearing, then smell, then taste & last of all when you have your other senses plugged in open your eyes and look around.

Each sense further focuses you point of awareness in the Astral body. Astral sight doesn't depend on the physical eyes. The reason it is listed last on the list is practical. Sometimes for novices the act of opening the eyes in the Astral body triggers a reflex of opening the eyes in the physical body, without the other senses to anchor it the consciousness shifts back to the physical body and you lose the AP. Don't worry about your Astral sight at the very start work first on being sure of shifting the consciousness. That is the first step to success. The rest of the senses MUST follow. If you have to break it down even further work on hearing, smell, touch or Small Astral body movements one at a time first. Then work on sight.


Start a mental projection and will your Astral body along.


Imagine that your Astral body is separating from your physical body out the head chakra. You will sense a rapid vibration with a rising or floating sensation let it happen don't block it. When complete check your five senses in the described order. Using the Astral body requires only that you mentally shift gears into it, no matter what method you use. Astral projection takes patience, practice & persistence. Several things govern how quickly you can gain mastery;- noises & distractions- how relaxed you are - breathing technique- how well focused you are - achieving the mental imagery necessary- transfer of consciousness- practice.

"Astral Projection" is not one experience but a complicated amalgam of many types and levels of experience. AP experiences can be very sharp and clear, foggy and dreamlike, intense, mild, convincing, and confusing all at once. The common modern view of AP is that is has three (or four) basic forms; Mental, Astral, Etheric, (and rarely Bilocation). However, my experience is that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of variations of typical "astral travel" experiences, and that breaking them up into a few categories is more convenient than accurate.

Two of the most common reasons for not achieving a clear AP are foggy imagery & problems with shifting Consciousness to the Astral body. First the image in the ball of light must be clear & fixed. You must have a clear mental image of the Astral body to begin with. Second, the Consciousness must be fully shifted or transferred from the physical to the Astral body!! It shouldn't be shuttling between the two. It's a very common problem. But you can't drive two cars at the same time! This may show up as poor Astral vision or partial or full loss of Astral senses. Sort of like poor TV reception with static & snow. Probably because of uneasiness about the unknown. Relax!! Your physical body will be just fine, really! Remember you can't swim hanging on to the side of the pool!!!! Let go!!! Trust me.

The single most important factors shaping the nature of the AP experience are practice & "Instructions" for the "voyage" given by very deep areas of the subconscious mind, "co-ordinates", if you will, that the projecting "Selfhood Program" uses for guidance in this journey through all the possible universes. These "co-ordinates" can be suggested to the one pointed or focused mind through ritual, meditation, visualization, and many othertechniques. Without training, and developing the strength of the "psychic muscles", most people aren't able to give adequate co-ordinates to the focused mind. They are in the position, one might say, of being able to turn their psychic computers on, but they are not yet able to load in a program that takes advantage of the computers powers. The thing just sits there and hums blindly, they have some interesting thoughts or twists of perception while they do their practices, but don't usually make the shift.

The "trick" of astral projection lies in the TRANSFER OF YOUR POINT OF AWARENESS... awareness, selfhood; "the observing I", it is "like" a vortex, an 'atom' of consciousness, which "rides" the physical body. It is not the Ego, not the "higher self"; it is more like a natural force, or quality, in the way that "weight" is a quality of gravity. One of the keys is focus & intensity. You should become oblivious to everything except transferring your point of awareness, complete & undivided attention, focus or consciousness. Use your other senses as a check list, in the order described. Anxiety or fear of the unknown often causes problems...like swimming or riding a bike, RELAX. You won't fall or drown! If you tense up it won't happen. This is a natural, easy process. Don't push or force, focus & guide. When trying to ascertain if you have a true Mental or Astral project check to see if the contrary is true. If the scene you are in is one of a friend reading a book imagine him ironing or doing dishes. If the scene changes immediately to him doing dishes or ironing it not a true Mental or Astral projection.

If progress or success is occasional or uneven then check the list above and eliminate the cause of the problem.

Try these techniques every day or night for three months. Record all experiences, in detail, in a journal to study later. Stick to the schedule (three months), patience, practice & persistence are the key.


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