
Five elements exist in this world: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and the Spirit. All matter is made of these four powers.  Just think about it, let us say a human body? Fire: the warmth it needs,Water: our blood, Air: our breath, Earth: our flesh, and the Spirit: our soul.  All living beings are made of the five elements (humans, animals, plants).  The elements are very important while working with magick.

Here are their  Correspondences:

Some traditions count Spirit, or Ether, as a fifth element
COLOR: clear
Goddesses: Isis - Shekinah - the Great Goddess
Gods: Akasha - Shiva, Lord of Yoga - Siva
PLANT: almond tree in bloom - mastic incense - mistletoe
ANIMAL: Sphinx

SEASON: Winter
TIME: Midnight
QUALITY: feminine
TOOL: pentacle
SYMBOL: globe - orb - rocks - cornucopia - soil
JEWEL: salt - rock crystal - agate - bloodstone - smoky quartz - tiger's eye
ZODIAC: Taurus (Fixed Earth) - Virgo (Mutable Earth) - Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
COLOR: black - brown - green
RULES: life - birth - growth - nature - money - food - prosperity - silence - wisdom - agriculture - creativity - canyons - caverns - chasms - rocks - earthquakes - mountains - caves - metals - crystals - matter - stability - strength - trees - bones - mountains - the body - physical reality - standing stones - the sense of touch - the ability of life to sustain itself
FOR: money spells - rock magic - fertility
PLANT: barley - comfrey - grain - hops - ivy - maize (corn) - licorice - millet - oak - oats - rice - rye - wheat
ANIMAL: bull - cow - bison - stag - earth-dwelling snakes
Anyone who doubts the power of Earth has never been in an earthquake or experienced aftershocks.
INVOCATIONS: dryads - gnomes - hamadryads - the sidhe - sylvan spirits - tree spirits
agriculture goddesses - Anat - Anu - Artemis - Ceres - Coatlicue, the Serpent Lady - Cybele - Mater - Dana - Danaan - Danu - Delphine - Demeter, Queen of the Fruitful Earth - Durga - Erana - Estsanatlehi, Changing Woman - Eve, Mother of All Living, She Who Makes Live - Fatua - Fauna - Flora - Gaea - Gaia, Mother of Life - grain goddesses - the Great Goddess - the Great Mother - Hecate - Earth Mother - Inanna - Isis - Ki, the Great One - Kore - Kundalini - Kybele - Maat Maia - Mala - Mama Pacha - Medea - Mother Nature - Mud-Earth Lady - Nana - Nephthys - the Oreads - Pandora - Parvati - Persephone - Pomona - Prthivi, Earth Mother - Prosperine - Rhea - Rhiannon - Sati - Semele - the Seven Mothers - Sheela Na Gig - Sif - Sita - Sphinx -Tailtiu - Terra - Terra Mater - Tiamat -Tlazolteotl -
Achilles - Adonis - Arawn - Ariel - Armaiti - Athos - Athtar, King of Earth - Atlas - Attis - Atune - Baal, Lord of Earth - Bacchus - Cernunnos - Dagan - the Dagda - Dhara - Dionysus Gabriel - Geb - the Green Man - Green Zeus - Hades - Hercules - Himalaya - Indra - Keb - Marduk - Meilichios - Osiris, the Lord of Everlastingness - Pan Robin Hood - Seb - Silenus - Tlaltecuhtli, the Lord of Earth - Tork - Uriel - Yahweh - Zeus

TIME: Dawn
SEASON: Spring
QUALITY: sanguine - masculine
JEWEL: topaz
TOOL: athame - sword - censer
ZODIAC: Gemini (Mutable Air) - Libra (Cardinal Air) - Aquarius (Fixed Air)
COLOR: pastels - white - clear - pale blue - bright yellow
SYMBOL: incense - feathers - balloons - bubbles - kites - windmills
PLANT: anemone (windflower) - aspen - frankincense 0incense plants - myrrh - pansy - poplar - primrose - vervain - violet - wall fern (polypody) - yarrow
ANIMAL: birds - insects - eagle - hawk
RULES: thoughts - ideas - flight - knowledge - wisdom - time - wind - breath - learning - intuition - towers - aeries - incense - high and windy places - the mind - the abstract - the mental plane - psychic work - the sense of smell
INVOCATIONS: djinn - fairies - wind spirits - sylphs - sprites -The Keeper of Time
Aeropë - Aphrodite - Aradia - Arianrhod, the Silver Wheel - Cybele - Delphine - Dia - Hathor - Hera - Holy Spirit - Ilmatar - Iris - Lilith Maiden - Mist - Morgen - Mut - Nuit - Nut, the Lady of Heaven, the Mighty One of Valor - Oya - the Star Goddess - Sphinx - Urania, the Heavenly One
Amun, the Invisible One - Anu - Ariel - Boreas - Gabriel - Horus - Indra - Jupiter - Mercury - Michael - Notus - Orion - Pavana - Peron - Quetzalcoatl - Raka - Shu, the Dry - White Texcatlipoca - Thoth - Uranus - Zephyr - Zephyrus - Zeus
For wind spells:
Boreas, for wind from the north - Eurus, for wind from the east - Notus, for wind from the south - Zephyr, for wind from the west
To raise a wind, whistle three times in honor of the White Goddess."blow blow little breeze,
and cool my face
till my work is finished
and I rest in my place"
White clay whistles were used to summon winds in Majorca, Spain.
"O! For a muse of fire that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention." -Shakespeare
SYMBOL: solar wheel (fire wheel, swastika) - candle
SEASON: Summer
TIME: Noon
QUALITY: masculine
TOOL: censer - wand
JEWEL: fire opal - pyrite (firestone) - fire garnet
COLOR: red - gold - crimson - orange - white
ZODIAC: Aries (Cardinal Fire) - Leo (Fixed Fire) - Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
RULES: energy - activity - motivation - sight - love - quickening - blood - sap - spirit - purification - heat - flames - lust - life - the power of will - enthusiasm - passion - inspiration - transformation - vitality - sexuality - leadership - combustion - healing - volcanos - destruction - brush fires - authority - metalwork - incandescence - deserts - eruptions - explosions - anger - the masculine
FOR: purification - fire spells - sex magic - healing, to destroy disease - candle magic
PLANTS: alder - almond tree in bloom - fire thorn - flame tree - frankincense - garlic - hibiscus - mustard - nettles - onion - hot peppers - red poppy - rose
ANIMALS: phoenix - salamander - lion - snake - fire-breathing dragons - horses, when their hooves strike sparks
INVOCATIONS: djinn - the Manes - Salamander
Anasazi - Astarte - Bast - Bastet - Bride - Brighid, Lady of the Hearth - Brigid - Brigit, the High One - Coyolxauhqui, Golden Bells - Fuji - Hestia - Ishtar - Kali - Minerva Belisima - Pele - Pyrrha, the Red One - Sekhmet - St. Brigit - Ubastet - Vesta, the Shining One
Invoke fire goddesses by throwing salt into flames
Ariel - Baal - Bel - Hephaestus - Horus, the Mighty One of Transformations - Michael - Prometheus, who stole fire - Raphael - Salamander - Seraph - Shiva, the Great Lord Siva - Surya - Uriel, Flame of God - Vishnu, the All-Pervading - Vulcan - Will-o' the Wisp - Xango
Fire of Azrael, used to see into the past or into past lives, is kindled of cedar, juniper and sandalwood.
The ancient fire festivals were sun charms. A burning fire wheel represents the course of the sun through the sky. Midsummer fire was considered the fire of heaven.
In Ireland, coals from the bonfires of the fire festivals were carried into the grain fields as a charm against blight.

PLANET: Moon - Neptune
COLOR: blue - black - green
QUALITY: feminine
TIME: twilight
TOOL: chalice
ZODIAC: Cancer (Cardinal Water) - Scorpio (Fixed Water) - Pisces (Mutable Water)
JEWEL: coral - mother-of-pearl - pearl
SYMBOL: goblet - dowsing rod - wave
RULES: emotions - fertility - sensuality - intuition - sorrow - compassion - receptivity - feelings - tides - love - ecstasy - courage - mystery - daring - oceans, rivers, streams, springs, wells, lakes, waterfalls, ponds and pools - marine life - psychic ability - the feminine - the sense of taste - the unconscious - the subconscious - the womb - blood
Pooled water represents the occult realm
It is said that magick, magicians and witches cannot cross running water. I haven't found this to be true.
PLANTS: aquatic plants - ferns - fungi - lotus - moss - myrrh incense - reeds - rushes - seaweed - watercress - water lily - willow
ANIMAL: amphibians - fish - marine life - marine mammals - water-dwelling snakes - whales
FOR: healing - purification - psychic work - fertility - rain
INVOCATIONS: mermaids/mermen - Kelpie - undines
Amathaon - Amphitrite, Goddess of Salt Waters - Andromeda - Artemis - Astarte - Brahmi - Brigantia - Cerridwen - Ceto - Chalchihuitlcue, Precious Green Lady - Deva - Hydra - Ishtar - Isis - Lady of the Lake - Leucothea, who saves sailors from shipwreck - Leviathan - Mari - Maria - Marica - Mariamne, the Sea Lamb - Marian - Marina - Minerva, for navigation - Miria, the Wonderful - Miriam, Sea Brine - Myrrha - the Naiads - the Nereids - the Oceanids - Prithivi - Sabrina - Sarasvati, Flowing Water - Sati - Sedna - the sirens - Stella Maris, Star of the Sea - Sul - Tefnut, Dew of Dawn, Goddess of Moisture - Thetis - Ti'amat - Yemaja - Yemaya, Mother of the Fishes - Yemonja - Zeuxippe
Aegir - Akelos - Amaunet - Amun - Ariel - Azariel - Ba'al - Gabriel - Ganymede - Great Rainbow Snake - Kelpie - Lear - Leir - Lir - Llyr - Llud - Ludd - Manannán Mac Lir - Manawyddan ap Llyr - Mannan mac Lir - Mbongo - Michael - Neptune - Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea - Njord - Ocean - Oceanus - Ogir - Osiris of the Mysteries, who springs from the returning waters - Poseidon - Proteus - Ptah - Raphael - Thoth, Cleaner of Earth - Tiberinus - Triton - Typhon
For: rain:
the Hyades, Rain Makers - Inanna - Iuturna, to end drought - Libya, Dripping Rain - Tefnut - Yemana, Holy Queen - Frey, God of Rain - Indra - Lung-Wang, the Dragon Kings - Tlaloc
Plant: cotton - ferns - rice - toadstools
Sympathetic magic (imitation) is used to make rain. This can take many forms, such as beating two things together to mimic thunder. Hercules rattled his club in a hollow tree, or stirred a pool with an oak branch to make rain.
The Danaids, priestesses of Demeter at Argos, made rain by pouring water through a vessel with holes in it.
sea rituals:
Invoke: ocean deities
Plant: ash - frankincense - sea kelp

The watchtowers
In Wicca the guardians known as Watchtowers are called. These guardians are summoned to each of the four corners or directions of the circle: East, South, West, and North in order to guard and protect the circle.
The calling of the Watchtowers takes place pre-Ritual during what is known in Wicca as "Calling the Quarters."
Followers of Traditional Witchcraft do not call Watchtowers; they call Guardians. These Guardians are often the spirits or guides with whom a person feels comfortable with. A guardian could be an Ancestor and act like  a "spirit guide," or it could be another spiritual entity with which the person is familiar with. 
Guardians are often called to protect the Ritual circle. Some traditions do not have specific boundaries for their sacred area, so the guardians roam the area freely and protect it from all unwanted influences. In general, they are a good idea.
Most traditions associate each Quarter or direction with a particular element. I associate East with Air, South with Fire, West with Water and North with Earth. There are other traditions who associated North with Air and East with Earth.

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