
Casting a circle is very important when you are doing any kind of magick. The circle is mostly used to protect you from unwanted spirits or energy which could influence your magickal work. There are many ways of casting a circle and here is one simple way.
Hold your athame or your wand in your right hand and draw a circle around you with it while chanting these words:

Eko, eko, Azarak
Eko, eko, Zomelak
Eko, eko, Cernunnos
Eko, eko, Aradia    
Eko, eko, Azarak
Eko, eko, Zomelak
Eko, eko, Cernunnos
Eko, eko, Aradia    
Eko, eko, Azarak
Eko, eko, Zomelak
Eko, eko, Cernunnos
Eko, eko, Aradia  
Bazabi lacha bachabe
Lamac cahi achababe Karrellyos

Lamac lamac Bachalyas
Cabahagy sabalyos

Lagoz atha cabyolas
Samahac atha famolas


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